How to Staple Insulation?

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July 20, 2023 at 3:40:16 PM PDT July 20, 2023 at 3:40:16 PM PDTth, July 20, 2023 at 3:40:16 PM PDT

Having your property insulation is a necessary step if you live in an area with cold weather. If you're looking to install insulation, stapling is one of the best methods for quickly and efficiently. Stapling the insulation will ensure it stays in place and prevent pests from entering. Here, we will discuss the types of staples you should use for insulation and some tips to staple insulation securely.

What Size Staple for Insulation?

Batted insulation comes in strips approximately 20 inches wide, but the size depends on the framing. Those have a paper or plastic back and some nail fins at the edges of the insulation strip for you to tug them on the framing stud. Insulation experts usually staple the nail fin to the wood for them to stay in place.

For stapling insulation, the recommended staple to use is the 20-gauge, but you can also use the 19-gauge and the 23-gauge. At FastenerUSA, the top recommendations for stapling insulation are the Arrow T50/Rapid 11, the 7/16" Crown Bostitch STCR5019, and the 1/2" Crown Duo-Fast 50. The staple’s crown size should be wide enough to hold the fin in place, so the ones with a narrower crown are not recommended for this type of project.

If you are going to add roofing insulation, a 19-gauge staple will create a tight seal and firmly hold the insulation in place. For this case, we recommend using the 3/8" Crown Rapid 19 roofing staples.

Tips to Staple Insulation

Stapling insulation is a relatively straightforward process. Here are some tips to help you staple your insulation:

1. Choose the right staples: Choosing the correct staple is a must. As we previously mentioned, if the crown of the staple is too narrow, it may not hold the insulation fin in place. Also, ensure the staple you selected is compatible with your staple gun.

2. Prepare the area: Clear any debris or obstructions from where you will be stapling the insulation. Remember to remove any sharp objects that could damage the insulation strip.

3. Measure and cut the insulation: Cut the insulation strip to the required length. Usually, the size required will be 20 inches wide, depending on the frame.

4. Start from the center: A great tip to install insulation is to start by stapling the center of the insulation strip and then make your way out to the edges. This helps distribute the tension evenly and prevents the insulation from bunching up or becoming unevenly secured.

5. Space staples evenly: Placing your staples approximately 6 to 8 inches apart along the edges will ensure a secure attachment without causing any damage to the material.

6. Avoid over-stapling: If you over-staple the material, this will cause it to compress and reduce its effectiveness. The staples should only hold the insulation firmly without penetrating too deeply to damage it.

Even though the process doesn't sound so difficult, it is better to let professionals do it. With the help of insulation experts, you are sure that they are working with the best and the correct materials, and also, you don't risk damaging the material or the frame with the wrong staples.

Choose FastenerUSA For Your Next Project

Stapling insulation is a relatively easy process if you have the right materials and the correct tools. Even though most DIYers can do it, it's best to leave it up to professionals as they will ensure that no damage is caused by using the right materials and techniques. Here at FastenerUSA, we provide all types of staples for your next insulation project, ensuring you have the right size and kind of staple for your task.

With the help of our tool database, "Find Fasteners For My Tool," you can find the necessary staples for your specific staple gun brand and model. We also provide discounts for companies that want to buy large quantities. Get in touch with our team today to start your next project.

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