2-1/2" DA25 ANGLE FINISH NAILS 15GA BRITE 8,000ct | UDA25C2
2-1/2" DA25 ANGLE FINISH NAILS 15 GAUGEáReplacement for Porter-Cable PDA15250 & Senco DA25EPB
Case quantity discounted for productionáwoodworking professionals. Buy the case and save money!
- Designed to fit DA series 34 degree angle finish nailers
- For interior applications only
- No corrosion resistance
- Angle: 34-degree
- Collation: Tape
- Gauge: 15
- Length: 2-1/2"
- Point: Chisel
- Quantity: 2 boxes of 4,000 pcs per box [total 8,000 pcs]
- Weight: 25 pounds [approx.]
- Finish carpentry
- Furniture
- Cabinets
- Picture frames
- Hardwood flooring
- Molding
- Baseboard
- Chair rail
- Paneling
- Nailable plastic parts
- Door and window casings
- Upholstery trim panels.
- Product brand subject to change based on availability.
- Meets ASTM F1667
- Bright Basic, Non-Galvanized Steel
Bright Basic Steel isáNon-Galvanizedáand provides no protection against the elements. Recommended for indoor applications only. If left exposed to the elements these nails willácorrode. Not recommended for ACQ Treated Lumber.