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Construction Projects: How to Fix Stripped Screws?

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March 15, 2023 at 2:01:50 PM PDT March 15, 2023 at 2:01:50 PM PDTth, March 15, 2023 at 2:01:50 PM PDT

Stripped screws can be a real headache for any construction project. Whether you’re putting together a piece of furniture, working with drywall, or assembling a deck, having screws that won’t stay in place can cause major delays.

They usually appear over-tightened, worn out, and stuck in the material, refusing to come out or go any further. Thankfully, you can use a few techniques to mend stripped screws in construction projects.

This blog will focus on how to fix stripped screws and how to repair the holes they leave behind.

What to Know Before Fixing a Stripped Screw?

The first step is to determine what screw you’re dealing with. Construction screws are used outdoors and indoors, so you have to identify what type of screw you need to fix. If the head of the screw is still in place, then you can use a screwdriver to remove it. If the head has completely worn off, you must ensure that whatever tool you use will fit the remaining shank of the screw.

Once you’ve identified what type of screw needs to be removed, it’s time to get to work.

Easy Ways to Remove a Stripped Construction Screw

1. Use a Stripped Screw Extractor

This tool is designed specifically for removing stripped screws from construction projects. It works by drilling into the screw head, allowing you to twist and pull the screw out of its hole.

2. Use a Rubber Band or Glue

A rubber band or a dab of construction adhesive can work wonders when it comes to fixing construction screws.

Wrap the rubber band around the screws to allow the friction to turn them easily. With construction adhesive, apply a small amount around the screws, allowing it to dry completely before attempting to unscrew it. Then, use a pair of pliers, a construction screwdriver, or an adjustable wrench to pull it out.

3. Drill It Out

Drilling out the stripped screw can be an effective solution if all else fails. Start with a small drill bit and increase in size until you can fit a larger bit in place and drill out as much of the material as possible without damaging anything else around it.

Once this is done, you should be able to easily remove what's left of the stripped screw with your hands or pliers.

4. Try a Different Screwdriver

Another option is to try using a different type of screwdriver, such as a wrench or flathead screwdriver, instead of what you were previously using for removal. Other types of screws require specific tools for removal, so switching up your device might do the trick! 

5. User a Screwdriver & Hammer

Lastly, this method may be your only option if you’re dealing with a very stubborn screw. Place the screwdriver head against the top of the screw and tap it firmly with a hammer. This should loosen the screw enough for you to remove it.

How to Repair a Stripped Screw Hole?

Once the stripped screw has been removed, the hole left behind is too large for another screw to fit in. To fix a stripped screw hole, you can use a wood filler or epoxy putty. If your construction project involves metal, you can use a metal filler.

Fill the hole with your chosen material, smooth it out, and allow it to dry completely before inserting a new screw.

Get Long Lasting Construction Screws

At Fastener USA, we have a wide selection of construction screws designed to provide superior grip andhold in even the toughest applications. Our screws come with various heads and drives, making them perfect for any project.

We work with the best manufacturers in the industry, so you can be sure that all our products are of the highest quality.

Check out our collection today and get the screws you need to keep your construction projects on track! 

Learn More About Screws: 

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