1 1/2" x .148 SMOOTH HDG NAILS FOR POSITIVE PLACEMENT 1,000ct | HD112148
Replacement for Paslode, Hitachi 17134 & Senco MD17AEBD
Our H-Pak product line is conveniently packaged and great for the smaller jobs. Don't buy more than you need, prevent nail waste...order the H-Pak! These Metal Connector HangNails are 1 1/2" length .148" (9 gauge) SMOOTH shank Hot Dipped. Hot Dipped Zinc offers good protection against the elements; meets the minimum requirement for ACQ Treated Lumber but is Not Recommended. For ACQ Treated lumber we recommend Stainless Steel. Specifically used in the wood framing industry; our 34 degree angle paper collated joist hanger nails are intended as an alternate choice to Positive Placement Nals by Paslode, Stanley Bostitch, Hitachi and other similar brands. Each H-Pak contains approximately 1,000 nails.
Applications Include:
Joist hangers, foundation anchors, seismic and hurricane straps and ties, post caps and bases and other metal framing hardware.
• Product brand subject to change based on availability.