1-1/2" BRAD NAILS 18GA GALV 5,000ct | B18-112
1-1/2" BRAD NAILS 18 GAUGEáReplacement for Paslode 650214 & Senco AX17EAA
- Universal fit for most 18 gauge brad nailers
- Standard mediumáhead (senco style AX series) for maximum hold
- Low corrosion resistance
- Angle: Straight 'No Angle'
- Collation: Glue
- Gauge: 18
- Head Type: Standard Medium
- Length: 1-1/2"
- Point: Chisel
- Quantity: 5,000 pcs
- Weight: 4 pounds [approx.]
- Moulding
- Decorative trim
- Furniture trim
- Casing
- Finish
- Base boards
- Window beading
- Blind pinning of upholstered and trim panels
- Rattan
- Scribe moulding
- Cabinets
- Drawers
- Picture frame assembly
- Product brand subject to change based on availability.
- Meets ASTM F1667
- Electro Galvanized
Electro Galvanized steel provides a very thin layer of coating with a measure of protection against the elements. Over time these nails may corrode. Not recommended for ACQ Treated Lumber.